We can’t have physiology without psychology (and vice versa!)

We can’t have physiology without psychology (and vice versa!)

In the same vane, mental and somatic health are interlinked and we currently can see co-morbidities across the spectrums.

By working directly with our autonomic nervous system there is a direct connection through to both our body and our mind.

In particular, practices which are PolyVagal informed have deeper clinical scientific understandings into how our nervous system has evolved over time relating towards safety and protection.

Understanding the evolution process our nervous system has gone through over time allows us to become more aware of what and how it is orienting towards as well as how to bring it back to a balanced state, should it be overwhelmed.

This link is truly where body meets mind. 🙇🏼


Change is good!!


Why are you so tired?? 🥱