Change is good!!

Yesterday a client came in to proceed with her Rolfing 10 series. Through our initial check in to learn what had shifted since last session, it became rather apparent that following our original plan of course would no longer best serve the client.

But how then to best serve them? Especially when a predetermined path was set out?

A common question that arises in this situation is, “Is it ok to shift plans?” This is a question for both the practitioner and the client.

Knowing when an extra integration session is required is an art. This work can bring up long forgotten and/or repressed physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life experiences. Sometimes as these phenomena arrive people want to push back through them, just be done! Forgetting that the pushing force was what may have caused it in the first place. Layering in extra integration sessions can be a very nourishing, resourcing and healing part of the process.

The 10 series is sometimes called “a recipe.” A recipe is an approximate formula that works very well almost all the time. Recipes can require changing based on the conditions surrounding the preparation and processing involved in each individual occurrence.

Many people come to Rolfing with a 10 series in mind. There is a belief that these 10 sessions and all their magical glory will cure the issues presenting. And while many times they do, other times more or less is required than 10.

“Sometimes a 10 is a 12” is a common phrase for me. Understanding that coming for 10 and instead “needing” 12 or 13, is not a failure, rather a success. A success in being adaptable to LIFE as it is presenting itself rather than clinging on to what you believed reality should be.


Yoga For Sale


We can’t have physiology without psychology (and vice versa!)