Finding Our Truth…

Reality is heavily complex and immense. Simplifying it to fit our narrative is helpful to go about day to day. With simplifications comes pieces left out. Things left out is required not to be there as way to simplify a larger into a small. This is then less inclusive of the whole in order to fit the initial need to shorten.

By it’s very nature a shortened version can’t include the original larger version.

Language as a tool to communicate is a way to shorten the larger experience of beingness into a simplified concept of beingness and also can be used an expression of the simplified concept of beingness.

Thoughts are the mind’s use of language to relay the simplified concept of beingness to itself and the world around itself. They are not the world, rather a simplified version of the world, and thus not fully a truth of the world.

There is a place before language where we can be as truth…. Where we can know ourselves and the world. Not by layers of thought but by pure existential beingness.


Thoughts As Clouds


Can I just share how awesome the people I work with are??