Can I just share how awesome the people I work with are??

Can I just share how awesome the people I work with are??

I received this yesterday from a client I saw recently. Their way of describing their experience is beautiful and it has less to do with me than it may seem. What they are doing is finding their own words to explain their experience and in doing this are building agency within themselves. It is actually very different than what happens in typical “healing,” energy work, and breath work practices. It may appear similar, and a slight difference of navigation would appear the same and not take us to the same location.

If you want to remember your path home you can’t be told it by others. If you want help on how to remember, I am here for you. 💕

“Thank you for today’s session. It was like you were doing spontaneous detective work, exploring mysteries of myself that I had not been aware of before. Each mystery that you helped show me helped me become aware of myself. As I became aware of this it would then show the next location, almost as if it was waiting in what almost felt like a direct line. It was as if a pattern was there and in retrospect I could feel and understand what you told me in the session… that all of my experiences in life have brought me to this place. And with our work today I truly believe that I was able to begin to find a new way forward which was also a new path back to myself. That myself has been covered by all those experiences prior. It was a very physical experience and yet it also wasn’t. That mystery I still am working with and I am very much looking forward to our next session together to be able to be more in part of the mystery unraveling detective team. “


Finding Our Truth…


Is Rolfing a banana or chocolate chip?