What exactly are “healings” (and why I don’t do them.)

What exactly are “healings” (and why I don’t do them.)

Healings are great. There’s a time and place for healing. For me, what healings have become is a way for people to internally express “I have this issue. I don’t want to deal with this anymore. Please take it away from me.” or “I have this issue. Please make this thing I want to happen for me.”

Both have validity to them. Both are common human desires. Common and valid, however, is not necessarily to be equated with the healthiest or best option.

What I have found through experience is that neither of these gives agency to the person requesting the healing. The human’s deeper processing that is required from the soma (living body) and the psyche (the totality of elements forming the mind) is also not performed.

There may be release. There may be euphoria. There may be tears or giant smiles. There may be many other things…

Beside what is listed above as “may be’s”, what is definitive is

1. there will be avoidance of the deeper root cause.
2. And the stored lived experience in the bodymind is not decoupled and still very much present, albeit possibly hidden.

This can cause an unconscious or unaware ignoring of the issue at hand. And because we are unconsciously unaware, we can’t see it anymore, no matter how hard we try. So we may believe it’s no longer there, as we don’t sense it. But it is there, possibly deeply rooted and concealed.

The healing may serve a purpose in that it provides temporary relief. However, it’s also contributing to a problem, namely a deeper concealment of the actual issue at hand.

The good news is that there are other ways in which we can look at the issues presenting, address them, work with them, free them, and begin to move forward in life in positive and healthy ways.

I would personally not use the word ‘healing’ for these other ways, even if this might be merely a semantic issue. I would refer to this as some form of ‘therapy’. Therapy as a process of going beyond…. A going beyond the places in which we are habitually stuck.

As usual, these are all just words. And the experience itself is wordless.

So stop reading these words, send me a message, and let’s begin to heal through ontological therapeutic intervention.


Why are you so tired?? 🥱


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