Touching Into Presence - Polyvagal Theory

I was very fortunate to have a personal conversation with Dr Stephen Porges a few weeks ago. For those unaware of him and his work, he is a researcher who discovered what he named “the polyvagal theory.”

The PVT is a theory describing how the mammalian autonomic nervous system evolved to keep us safe and alive. As mammals evolved from reptiles, our autonomic nervous system developed to automatically communicate with other mammals and engage different self-defense systems when needed.

It looks looks at how our physiology meets our psychology and can explain much of what our unaware processes are from a mechanistic and philosophic model. A biopsychosocial approach to the embodied experience we all love.

While the talk is someone technical and framed for bodyworkers there is still tons of relevant information for everyone and we all can learn something about ourselves and others. It’s a talk I highly recommend.

A link below or you can listen on your podcast player of choice.


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