The Inherent Narcissism of Social Media

The base of social media comes down to something close to or exactly as narcissism.

“How can this be?” you may ask.

Here’s how….

All posts boil down to a person sharing (or some could say forcing out) what they think is true and believe others need to know. If they didn’t believe people had a need to know, there would not be a compelling to share for if no one needs know then no one needs to give information of knowing.

Please remember that all verbal exchanges boil down to a reification of our self and a what we take to be true. Even an “I know that is not true” is based on what you know is true, that the “not true” is itself a truth. It will still come down to reification of self via perception of truth as all perceptions of what is true are filtered through our own ideologies and ontologies which are what make up the self.

And to the haters and contrarians, yes I am aware that even this particular post could be seen in this way, though with good intentions. (Maybe another day will be a post about good intentions…and the irrelevance they can largely have.)

This is not to say that social media is bad. Not at all. Like all things, it is a tool and how we use or are used by the tool is fundamental.

An understanding of what may be happening on deeper levels of consciousness/awareness is relevant to know what we are actually doing, as opposed to what we think or believe we are doing.

And what we think and/or believe may, in reality, be far from what “is.”


Seeing The World Through Constructs